Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sunday was NOT a day of rest for me...

2:30 am... stupid little dog ran outside to bark with the neighbor dog (5 doors down). It's not it's the neighbor dogs first night of barking allllll night. Up I went and got our little pip squeak from outside before she ticks off the immediate neighbors.   5:30 am... I got up and jumped in the shower to get ready for my run for the Boobs. Oh, wait, did I say 5:30?  Came out of the bathroom and looked at hubby's clock and it said 4:45, back at mine said 5:45 aughhh.... looked in the bathroom and it confirmed, I got up at 4:30 to get ready for the run.  I hate when I push the wrong button on my clock and it changes the time like that. Back into bed I went. 5:30, hubby wakes me up to take a shower. Done! Dog comes in to wake me up to go running. Unfortunately he won't be running with me but I don't have the hart to let him know at this point. 6:00 we're out the door because the parking for the run opens at 6:45 and it takes 45 min to get to the run. Yah, that's what we get for living rural. 

I'm only in the middle of my 5K running so to do the 5K today was quite draining. But... I did it and didn't feel as sore as I thought I would. yay!
High School friend is a survivor! Yay Joy!
After the run hubby and I went and grabbed some breakfast/lunch.

After we came home I showed the trees some love and gave them more room for water. Hubby fell asleep on the couch. I sure wish I could nap like him. There's just THINGS to do! So I lay there wishing I could fall asleep. 30 min later I give up on the dream and figure that it's time to start the traditional baking. Days and nights are getting cooler and in some States, snow! (I can't wait!). 
Yep... Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies with not enough chocolate chips this time :(  

Pip Squeak aka the barker
Of course the kiddos get to lick the spoon and bowl.

Yah, he has a little pumpkin batter for later haha! Love this guy!
 And it's only 6:40pm. I think I have time to hide in my idea room!


Cheryl First said...

Phew! What a day you had! I'm exhausted just from reading about it!
Your dog is such a sweet face! He resembles one of my dogs, very much!
Congrats on your run today!
Cheryl First
aka Cafexpressions

Paper Compulsions said...

OK I am tired just from hearing about your day. So proud of you for running. That is awesome. Hope you get more rest soon.